Yoda, How are you,. I see you have the RFMK Blues!! * You know me,. the bearer of the Bright Side ".. Have you Noticed Cheryl Showcasing the CannaCig in Her New Television series Photography sessions etc. I mean the looks of things the CannaCig are Far From Out of the Equation,. as well as Cheryl Shuman,. These Links Below will show her most recent Shootings May 1st there or about, with the WHOLE GROUP SALUTING THE CANNACIG !! In the Same Picture, see the CAPTION , Cheryl Includes but not limited to,. The RFMK Symbol, The CannaCig , and Haute Vape !! Click through The Pics, Take Note Of the Dates ,. As well as The Players in the Pics!! I think this will All EQUAL UP TO A BIG FIESTA OF A ROLL OUT For A Joint Venture with Cheryl, RFMK , Haute Vape etc !! $$$ * Me Thinks Tom spoke with Cheryl to Distance Herself from RFMK Until We are Close to FRUITION ( so she don't take to much heat while RFMK experiences growing pains ) ,. Which Apears to be the Case; Me Thinks Cheryl is Staying, and me thinks the Business Plan is EVERYTHING CHERYL AND TOM SPOKE ABOUT FROM JUMP STREET !!! It's Only been around 14 Months since Cheryl Came on Board ,. And I believe Tom Has Been Doing his Part as wel l!!
There Isn't Alway's IF Ever, RHYME AND REASONING WHEN IT COMES TO THE PINK SHEET STOCKS !! I Believe There wasn;'t as Much Dilution that there appears to have been; I believe, imo that shares have been moved around the last 8 months or so which may have "Appeared" to have been diluition",. i believe Tom has been working on a master Plan All Along!! * I ALSO Believe Brent Fouch will be Permanantly Exited from RFMK Once and For all!!! I Believe we will Learn all in the 10 K !! * Take some time out and start COMBING THROUGH CHERYL'S SOCIAL MEDIA!! CHECK OUT HER PICS on Flicker, or Instagram, SEE THE CANNACIG IN FULL PLAY!! I COULD TELL YOU THAT IMO WITHOUT QUESTION THAT RFMK IS INDEED ROLLING OUT A NEW VAPORIZER LINE, AND I BELIEVE IMO IT WILL BE UNDER THE HAUTE VAPE UMBRELLA, AND CHERYL WILL BE OBVIOUSLY A BIG PLAYER !! VIA JOINT VENTURE ?? COULD BE MULTIPLE NEW FACES ON THE RFMK BOARD OF DIRECTORS; IM GUESSING A FEW MAJOR NAMES ; I THINK CHERYL WILL BE ONE, AND THE ATTORNEY LEVINSON ?? THE One Brought on several months ago to sit on the MCM Board; in short,. RFMK IS FAR FROM OVER, . I'M ALREADY LOADED,. HE WHO IS IN, IS IN ,. AND HE WHO IS OUT HAS A FEW DAYS TO LOAD UP !! CHERYL COMES OUT JUST LIKE SHE CLAIMS, AS THE MARTHA STEWART OF MARIJUANA , AND POWERHOUSE MARKETER !!
It's Showtime ! @CherylShuman @BeverlyHillsCC @CannalebrityMag @MatthewShotwell @shotweedcountry @Chefwaiterhater #weedcountry @NellyMarilu420 @Januarythomas1 Simmi & Chef Dave hanging in the patio filming today ! Psyched ! CherylShuman.com BeverlyHillsCannabisClub.c om RU a Member ? Follow me on Instagram # HauteVape # Cannacig $ RFMK