forget chasing crap, TCPS spoke to Anthony, WE STRUCK GOLD HERE here are the key parts:
1. Pignatello wants tcps because of its extremely valuable patents and tcps owns valuable shell assets as well !!!
2. we will remaim in pinks for now but he plans on higher exchange due to the fact that TCPS is very very valuable and he does not want it trading in pinks...wants an exchange upgrade.
3. Plans on full disclosure before the end of next week..
4. is meeting tomorrow with the former council of TCPS tomorrow(my guess to finalize the deal between them).
5. There will be sizeable changes made here with TCPS
I am calling patent atty, to verify his current existence with tcps, but from the dd presented its obvious he is still in control and getting new patents lined up.....
New Patent Application in Nov'12 by RONALD M. Hickling
Publication Date:04/25/2013
Fact is Hickling is the Founder of TCPS and holds 25% of the company via Preferred A and also has 2M common shares via Fiber Optic Techno so I'd say this Apr 2013 patent was the genesis of this new chapter.
Holy chit
We will find out much more soon.
IMO here's the scoop....
Pignatello who is currently working with http://www.dibara.com/mvmo.html is getting his group into TCPS for their existing software patent that allows users of cell phones to switch networks/carriers without having to buy a new cell phone. This is for the MVNO market (Tracphone among 600 others world wide http://www.prepaidmvno.com/ ). Believe it or not, about 50% of the world is on prepaid cell phones.
Example, I go into Walmart and buy a phone to use with Tracphone, 2 months later I see a better deal and want to switch, but that MVNO is on a different network and I have to buy another phone. Well, TCPS via Dibara will allow MVNO's to use their software such that the user only has to get their Dibara chip reset remotely. No need to buy another phone to switch between prepaid companies.
MVNO's are hot, and only getting hotter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_virtual_network_operator
If I'm correct on this, it's a grand slam the likes I haven't seen down here.