Whoever wrote the PR does not understand how pennytraders think-as noted by 6-25-12 PR 1 and previous posts mex govt no doubt tried to confiscate the 45000 tons- as a way of balancing govt books-read 6-25-12 PR-Mex cancelled all permits nationwide dec 2011 just before cwrn was to ship-then required extra audits the next yr which took to Mar 6 to finish-then because ore had been sitting there due to govt games govt no doubt decided to confiscate-but obviously lost that lawsuit as it shipped on the Ilia
from CWRN's ct complaint against Geo i can gather the other suit inferred by pr concerns something unlawful geo did-for which geo would be held accountable
stockmarket is suppose to look forward 9 months from I've read and past history
and in much less time than that cwrn could have an award of ca 7.5 million in reg damages against geo in calif case ( roughly adding figures in complaint) plus millions in punitive damages to insulate cwrn against any ct case by geo -financials certified by court action against geo perhaps at june 7 hearing will allow filing of financials as forecast by pr, get dtc removed and uplist at least to sec-w new owners not having the financial constraints of a JVA assoc who as per cwrn complaint allegedly withholds receipts from cwrn to operate without stop and go tactics-and obviously having funds to buy controlling shares w a purpose to profit from pps from successful operations
but some in the pool-motivated by the purposeful culture of fear created by the shorter bashers keep giving their money to the shorters shout fires in stock after stock thereby encouraging the shorters to continue the shout fire game to defraud longs