FAA Response To Baltia
FAA Certification Progress Response to Baltia 4/10/13
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
East Michigan Flight Standards District Office
Willow Run Airport
April 10, 2013
Re: Baltia Airlines Formal Application
Dear Mr. Pampalone:
This letter is to inform Baltia Air Lines (BTIA) of the results of the Certification Project Team (CPT) evaluation of the Formal Application Package and Formal Application Meeting that was conducted on March 28, 2013 and on April 10, 2013, at the Eastern Michigan Flight Standards District Office. The meeting agenda, guidance, and evaluation standards were drafted from 8900.1 Volume 10 Chapter 6 sec 2. These meetings and package were found to be satisfactory to continue towards certification.
In addition to what is listed above, a final review was conducted for Gate 1 requirements listed on table 10-66, 8900.1 Volume 10 Chapter 6 sec 2. The CPT has determined that BTIA has met those requirements and has entered into Phase II - "Design Assesment". A letter containing an outline of what is expected for Phase II will follow.
Please contact us with any questions.
Dana B. Carver
Certification Project Manager BTIAP
Attached is the FAA letter acknowledging that Baltia Air Lines has satisfied Gate I requirements of the FAA certification and has entered Phase II- "Design Assessment.":