Bingo and bob have always said the fert is more valuable than the reg iron---some quote lower alibaba yellow pages prices but that is for operators -sometimes the illegal mines etc-without established relationships and inferior products-bob posted a long time ago an onsite JV plant w OMRI could upgrade fert to 330-550/ ton
bob said their fert was far superior to the 1.73% azomite being sold for high prices-does anybody remember price for azomite
current market conditions below were the 3 yr low of reg iron at ca 87/ton so taking bingo literally 87 by 3 = 261 ton
so I would say maybe 200/ton or more- the alibaba quoters would say ca 100/ton
70000 tons of fert at 200/ton is 14,000.000- its a waste by product of course of the reg iron mining
we have this ongoing past battle between the alibaba quoters and myself /rocket/bingo/bob
we still arent sure its fert but if no steel plants in alaska-only fabricators and recyclers-
and IF IF IF the longitude/lat info by marine traffic -our best conflicting source right now-is correct,then the product would almost have to be fert-probably to anchorage--which aligns w JCM site fleetmon, saying "agricultural commodities"