
Let me jump ahead of myself here for just a bit. There is no way I am going to tell anyone if or when they should sell a few shares of TelVue stock. Just remember what the price was when you did it so you could learn from your experience. When it comes to selling this stock I am between a rock and a hard place. I for one will never sell but that is just me. Now if my daughter asks me at what price she should sell shares she personally owns what should I say. Should I tell her to sell before I tell my grand daughters ?? Should I tell my great grand sons before I tell their mother or father ?? My advise to them will be the same. This is an opportunity for a life changing experience. This is the gift that keeps on giving. Instead of applying for a car loan you simply pay from dividends and forward splits. You will be faced with more decisions going forward. Should I go to Italy or Spain ?? Should I buy a YUGO or a COMET ?? Did I say going forward out loud ??


There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.