IMHO these two virgin wells plus anything at all from the Standard could have us valued easy in the .10 and up area!!! Speculation on Belize add on to that gets you to at least our all time high of .13 and beyond... my now overall predictions on Mitchells 3 & 4 are at 107-114 bpd combined !!! This is assuming the geologist was correct about #4 being better than #3. Bear in mind these are conservative estimates erroring slightly to the downside.( I was at 84bpd I believe prior to Mitchell being online !)
I think 3 is gonna come in around the 50-60 IP then settle to upper 30's to low 40s. The stare down with the MM's between each other now IMO should begin ! Someone(Whales and or Market Makers) should take an initial chunk position and wipe out the float up to .04 before they announce. Smart $$$ IMO would move here and Insiders might want to hedge their bets now also... We are past the are they gonna make it point IMO....They can afford to wait but then again If I were a MM I'd wanna be 1st and best and taking out TECO's float at these levels wouldn't be costly and IMO very very prudent at this juncture!