did you not read the southern court docs? have we not had other lawsuit issues? those that have read them have received far more information from the court docs than anything hlnt has publicly put forth, filing or otherwise of late. that is not really a matter of opinion.
those doing dd, have had far more information through the court system than any other form of disclosure or public dissemination. that's all i am saying. and that's fact.
everyone has a right to their sentiment. i could care less what opinions are formed, that's none of my business. i wish everyone here well, not ill-will.
people vote with their dollars, not words. hlnt has a habit of non-delivery on promises they make to their shareholders. i hope that changes, but this is no transparent, shareholder-friendly company from where i sit. and that may be fine with others, doesn't bother me none either, they can do as they please.
but i also just prefer the facts and not someone pissin' on my head (as they say) tellin' me its rainin'.
(and i never said "that all the news that we have seen for months now is only through lawsuits"
this is actually what i said: the most reliable and consistent info to be gotten from hlnt, for months now, has been through lawsuits.
Source - Read More: http://investorshangout.com/post/765573/i-thi...z2UQygAj1Y
and no i am not saying "you" are "tellin' me its rainin'" either)
and no, not true, to the earlier poster "james719" who characterized me inaccurately:
You responded to a post from carndog basically saying he doesn't know what he is talking about.
Source - Read More: http://investorshangout.com/post/765683/You-r...z2UQz00Lp0
that ain't true none either- golly! let's keep it simple and dispense with the finger pointin'. i am not the problem here. and those of you that believe there is no problem here, ...that's great, ...good for you!