Could be-depends on whether CWRN/Bao averages price on departure from Ensenda and arrival in China etc,as some do due to the volatile nature of ore prices and whether its CFR etc sb's favorite subject
I hadnt watched Ilia trajectory after it left the shelf ca 100 miles out in a trajectory that was spot on for Ningbo China at 28-30 N lat-so I didnt know it changed course until JCM said so-so thanks JCM
part of the problem is the very scattered coverage of these civilian ship tracking sites (once 100 miles out usually cant track them) and the positions they show are often outdated -right now both vesselfinder and marine traffic show positions over 2 days old, shipspotting doesnt even have in database, havent tried vesseltracker today yet and havent used lloydsintelligence and once in a while I run across another site-but all have limitations-have to hack military PC to see what brand of cigarette crew is smoking
So does anybody have an updated position-the most recent I could find was 40* N -which is far N Ca near Eureka and nearest real port N of that is Portland,Oregon,USA- the most likely destination for the fertilizer
Again this assumes ILia was empty when arrived Ensenada which seemed very likely from the very shallow draft for a 80256 DWT ship of 7.2 meters when it arrived Ensenada and left w a draft of 13.7 meters-the probable maximum-ca 45 ft-and Panama canal max has been 12.02 meters ca 39.5 feet-
so that is a confirmation the Ilia was completely loaded when it left Ensenada- so these assumptions indicate cargo picked up in Ensenada is headed for Oregon or parts North