I understand. Please don't post things like that as facts when they are not. It does not help anyone to put false info out there because people will start talking about it as if its real.
Now, about The Hollywood Fast Lane.
The show ran on Punch since July 2012 every week 6 times a week. I personally do not get paid for doing the show. All the revenues that would be made from the show goes to the company. Same thing with our share of Travel Tech. I produce Travel Tech with Tom and Pascal. We came up with the idea together and share the work and expenses.
Back to HFL, we ran every week 6 times a week. I watched when it was on Filmon then when we where on TV in LA and there where commercials during every break. We saw those revenues in the last K and Q. For the first three months of this year the show still ran but JC has not passed on a dime of revenues to us for the commercial split we should have. We are the same as all the other show producers on Punch which he did not pay. We are better off being rid of him when it is all said and done.
We will make money when we get to 5 airports with CV. I don't know when that will be. Previously we did make money with pre-roll and mid-roll ads from when people watched the show on our websites but we removed that and ran our Punch feed from Filmon.