Twelve Days til ASCO: The 12 Things I most wish for:
#12. Dr Shapiro clears up the dosing issue once and for all at the ASCO poster. Tired of the amateur chemists trying to figure it out. Like it really matters?
#11. Confirmation that LEO is still alive?
#10. Is Andrew still running the show at Dana Farber? Inquiring minds want to know . . .
#9. Is Dr Reddy's really "READY" to get the Prurisol trial going? How pure can they make that stuff anyways? In some states it may be legal to smoke Prurisol now.
#8 Can we please get a true confirmation on the number of employees at Kard? And no, iFlub "regulars" do not count or people making less than 50 rupees a day.
#7. What do you think Gov will be dressed up as when she sneaks into ASCO? Physician, nurse practitioner, candy vendor?
#6. I really want to know who is smarter Seel or Polkadot? I suggest we give them each six 20oz Guinness Black Lager's and then see who can finish the Sunday NY Times crossword puzzle first?
#5. CTIX holding $2.00 a share. Can it happen if Biomanbaba is not pounding the table? Not likely.
#4. I hope truly "nice" people on this board don't become "tainted" by some of us . . . Grateful, Pete, Polkadot, Drano. You know the people who can't/won't say a bad word about anyone.
#3. An end to the exaggeration of CTIX. Can we please just let the trials happen and sit back and wait for the results? No amount of wishful thinking is going to impact the results of the trials or the share price.
#2. A PR chock full of "news" . . . Europe, SW Hospital, new cancer drug, Prurisol, etc.
#1. Confirmation . . .p21 . . . p53