As you know, I am empathetic to your/our plight. Does anyone on this board know if/when the price will see a dramatic increase - no. Does anyone on this board know that some rush of investors will come in and soak up shares - no. Is anyone happy that the Cash funding support they appear to have comes from diluting the remaining authorized shares - especially at this price - no.
My concerns are that the price impact of the events to unfold is continually watered down. It is so frustrating! BUT I balance this with a couple of points. The majority of the shares are restricted from trading. And the majority of those are held by insiders, as well as many of us. The amount of revenue that is assumed to be generated will cover the extra share issuance a few times over, so that helps my rationale.
Expectations management is a difficult thing to accomplish, especially when you are tied to this stock day by day. The waiting is killer. We do not know something is done until it is done although we would like to know things as they progress. It's substance over style. It's Manuals are completed to 90% this week 95% next week vs. "Baltia is progressing nicely". My expectations are not as watered down as say LT's. I expect we are in the 3's and challenging the 52 week high rather than lucky to be at .02. (His expectations vs. mine) And we all have different expectations, at different points along the path. I am expecting to be above the 50dma today, but we are not. Will we be, yes, eventually. Waiting for it is the hardest part.
What kind of impact am I looking at? Well I want the 50 cents to see the fountain filled with champagne, but I will be happy with 10 cents. I will liquidate for costs above 10 cents and ride the free shares... I will admit that. for those of us in now, that is a huge jump.
I think we are all trying to play a role in activities that Baltia cannot perform now. Get the word out. If you are not telling friends then you are only working against yourself. What if all your friend picked up 1000 dollars worth each. These are probably people who will buy and hold for a year. That help will diminish supply. Maybe they sell a piece early, that helps still. We longs are truly ambassadors of the company, and right now we do not see an immediate payoff. or any negligible impact. If this was in the 3's would you feel differently? Who knows. We are stuck with the desire to promote but without the concrete evidence to back it up. We are in a period where we know a lot is going on, and more to come, but little to show for it. Until that gag is lifted, this will be the way it is. Do people know about Baltia, no, probably not, and definitely not like IGOR thinks they do, but we are doing what we can to spread the word.
I think there will be a tremendous impact over the next 2 years.... I believe that dollar land is in sight by then. It just comes down to managing your expectations.... and getting any support from the company to help those expectations... Each day right now is slow and painful and I hope we look back on this one day and say it was worth the wait. The alternative is what else in the market right now will get you that return? Who knows....