Thanks JCM and Sunny-an earlier version is in Max's excellent dd summary absent the confirmations from the court cases declaring the sub as wholly owned. Having grown up in a culture of fear whereby everybody would believe everything the cult leader said -if they said the earth was flat everybody would believe it-its amazing to see the same culture perpetuated by the paid basher shorters.
E'g. turning an innocent everyday business concept of subsidiaries into some dark secret designed to defraud stock holders is something only an arrogant cult would attempt-having a history of many believing their "earth is flat" pronouncements.
They conveniently fail to say that given the scrutiny CWRN has been under -since CWRN would not die like a good old old boy for the benefit of the shorter entities-so the shorters in a great collusion sicked otc dtc brokers mm's sec etc on it,CWRN could not get away with the frauds they impute to CWRN. They use the same contradictory logic when they shout fire "dilution" from the basher handbook when they know very well that due to the sec CWRN CANNOT dilute.
Many pennies w no operations at all have 4 or more subs-all big co's probably have subs-only in penny land or in a cult would/could bashers make such ridiculous shout fires-credibility anyone???
After they presume many have forgotten longs previous rebuttals of their sky is falling/ earth is flat declarations they trot them out again like the rest of the recipe from the bashers handbook,pretending to believe what they know is a lie. I have had to write so many long posts repeatedly rebutting their insane shout fires that I should create an anthology of these things and sticky it-but then many dont even read the stickies-part of the process of ignorance which allows bashers to ply their trade,knowingly preying on that ignorance.