Some key points.
-Steve has poured a lot of his own $ into this venture. Recently & in the past. Its easy to be critical of things he’s done wrong. Not as easy to step back & consider what a major financial commitment he has made.
-Punch TV was the focus for the past 6 – 8 months. It blew up in Steve’s face. We don’t know how much was his fault or how much blindsided him. Regardless, it consumed most of the time, effort & $ since last fall & probably detracted from other parts of this company.
-Nonetheless: we have a growing relationship with ClearVision Airports that is just getting rolling. Nothing has changed with that relationship. Tons of upside there. It’ll take time though.
-Take a look back at some of the Hollywood Fast Lane and Instant Movie Review shows & see the major stars Steve has interviewed. The stars of Hangover 3, the Great Gatsby, Gangster Squad, etc. Those are just in the last couple of months. Many other big ones in the past year. Major starpower.
Steve clearly has access to these major stars like few other people have...plus he has an easy rapport with them. That says a lot. Says a lot more to me than a lot of the criticisms I've read here while catching up this morning.
The potential for ClearVision plus shows like Hollywood Fast Lane...these are the things I invested in.
I too am disappointed that revenues stink. I’m disappointed that we pretty much wasted the past ½ year on Punch TV. But Steve is working to overcome that setback by introducing a new station. Thats no easy task, but he sounds optimistic.
We’ve had our share of setbacks & we move on. There continues to be a lot of stuff going on here & I continue to see a bright future.
I invested here to make money. Lots of money. I never expected it to happen in a few months. Life doesn’t work that way (for most people anyway). You know: “no pain, no gain”.
...lots of critics out there who will say I’m just a sheep following blindly. I’d argue that I see an innovative guy continually working to make his dreams a reality. Hitting roadblocks & finding ways to overcome them. Laugh if you want.
You can doubt or you can believe.
I continue to believe that Steve will succeed & lots of money will be made here.