Hey Steve. How about we work on more REVENUE and less CONVERTIBLE NOTES??!!! Good lord. No wonder the stock price is in the .003's. I now understand this share price has less to do with JC and more to do with a ridiculous amount of convertibles (coupled with the fact that $0 in revenue happened in the first quarter). The share structure is NOT headed in the right direction for this stock to see a good rally.
Where's the revenue, Steve? Something doesn't add up here from all the claims you've made. At what point do people hear "wolf" enough times before they call B.S. on this guy?
Good grief, this Quarterly Report was a mess. You can no longer blame JC for ANYTHING. You are destroying the share price YOURSELF with convertibles! Stop blaming JC.
Nice work, Steve. The board full of bashers at liehub will have a HEYDAY with this 10Q, and with good reason.