The items in this are not directly addressed to you Claude but I'm answering to rebut shorters recycled arguments
They keep recycling the same scare tactics which have been answered many times-we have pics and abundant other confirmation of mine development. CWRN like many low priced pennies has been targeted by shorters from individuals to hedge funds(see 7-10-11's posts) because 99% of such co's fail- however CWRN wouldnt roll over and die like a good old boy for the shorters so they began a really incredibly fraudulent process of attacking CWRN as previously described-an impressive level of fraud never before seen -resulting in the ridiculous pps
Both the court case and otcmarkets. com and every other source indicate the sub is wholly owned-they play off average penny traders ignorance of many things-in this case trying to make a big deal about the sub-like their is some deep dark secret/reason to have a sub-in the real world such arguments are so patently ridiculous it wouldnt even have to be answered but we are dealing w the most scared rabbits on the planet -penny traders-who generally allow themselves to be manipulated by the scare tactics and certain entities have made many millionss off that manipulation over the years on thousands of stocks
They couldnt destroy operations so they try to destroy the pps and already most undervalued co out there which bashers havent even questioned since fell below 1c
they try to prevent any new blood and exhaust old blood
The sub is PRIVATE-its not a public co-doesnt have stock of its own-held in trust for CWRN as CWRN has repeatedly said in PR's,filings and court docs under penalty of perjury
its wholly owned-so all the money goes to CWRN and absent shorters games pps would track /reflect operations and be over 10 cents-reason why longs havent profited is due to essentially unprecedented shorters game-this is how cults work-they create a problem and then blame the problem on the co and whoever believes their false witness is captured by them
Similarly,the cult leader who claims to have worked w the sec as an informant and then presumably shorts (we all know the story) these stocks on a rotating basis w her/his crew (7-10-11 says she is a he) using well honed scare tactics,KNOWING they are misrepresenting /shouting fraudulent shout fires designed to defraud longs-
you CAN'T reason w them-they have no reason-you cant negotiate w a cult leader/the puppetmaster -they have already chosen their course and have NO remaining free will -they dont/can't listen and CANT change and dont have a mind of their own-so any debate other to set the record straight on facts for longs benefit is worse than useless and only endangers the debater due to their well honed manipulation-I've seen this my entire life as I grew up in a craft cult by birth and saw almost everybody was captured by the cults well honed tactics-I was the only one who wasnt and am the only one recognized nationally to grow up in such a cult without being captured, so I've written books about the process but traders -totally encapsulated in a world governed by fear and greed,unable to see anything else- have shown no interest in understanding, let alone stopping the process (and it can be stopped) whereby shorters manipulate newbies and longs to destroy the market for longs and eventually destroy the penny market totally, thus eliminating their own playground
There is no question re ownership and PR's repeat the sub (pinksheets/otc even lists the private Mexican company as CWRN'S subsidiary) is held in trust by and for CWRN-due to Mexican law that prevented direct foreign ownership -so all companies had to go thru this process to operate companies in Mexico.
The reason the Mexican company was created by CWRN was to comply with Mexican mining laws.
The Mexican company is private. It does not have stock of its own-so the only place the revenue CAN go is to CWRN. It is a wholly owned sub though CWRN sometimes calls it an affilate presumably to comply w Mexican mining law. Note under NAFTA -for tax purposes 1/2 goes to Mexico ,1/2 to USA
Many PR'S include the following language:
"The Baja Pacific -- "Mina Guadalupe" is operated by Panamerican Minerals Ventures, S.A. de C.V., Ensenada, Baja California, under contract with CWRN and held in trust for CWRN by its principal officers and directors, Robert L. Cotton and Sharon Vazquez.
Who is CWRN? CWRN is the stockholders and when pps again reflects operations longs will benefit greatly-pps was .03 before 1st ship .
So this contract/trust is for the benefit of all CWRN stockholders.
Sharon is Pres of Mexican company to comply with past Mexican law -since Sharon is a Mexican national-and previously the Mex law required co's to set up a Mex sub w a Mex national as head of sub- thus to this day many such large corp's Mex subs still have a Mex national as Pres.
Bob and Sharon have CONTRACTUALLY REPRESENTED to CWRN shareholders that via the contractual relationship tying the 2 companies together that all revenues will inure to CWRN shareholders/investors-which include Bob and families closely held 1.75 B shares.
They have represented this continually and consistently so they are BARRED/ESTOPPED from denying or breaking this contractual relationship w CWRN stockholders.
So there is a CONTRACT. Violation of the contract would bring legal sanction.
There is a TRUST. All property of the privately held Mexican company legally/contractually belongs to the parent CWRN VIA THIS TRUST.
If you make a will or trust to pass on your property,the courts will enforce that will/trust/contract absent considerations that are not relevant here.
By representing this relationship and even noting it in PR's,this also separately forms a de facto contract w every CWRN stockholder,each of whom could sue for violation of contract.
If Bob or Shirley were to go insane as continually implied by some intent on revenge,and try to do something illegal re the property-like load the cat 740 in the middle of the night and drive off to Venezuela where Chavez's successor would immediately nationalize it- Bob would forfeit all his CWRN property and stock.
And the pps would jump with the immediate retirement of insider shares and if, according to those intent on revenge,the new overseer is far superior in running the operations, the pps would rise for that reason also.