$YFRM About ISCI!!!
“For patients and families suffering from chronic disease , or injury, the promise of stem cell therapies offers great hope.”
I’m honored to welcome all of you to the Integrative Stem Cell and Institute (ISCI) at the Galenia Hospital of Cancun, one of the world’s pioneering cellular institute in translating work in the lab to the clinical setting in the most advanced ways. The ISCI brings together physicians and surgeons, research scientists, and a range of collaborative, team-oriented partners who are committed to advancing the adult stem cell medicine and bring these promising therapies to patients from around the world.
Our institute’s facilities include a Good Processing Practice (GPP) laboratory with an over 800 square feet clean room class 10,000 fully equipped with an state-of-the- art equipment and specially designed to safely process cellular materials for clinical studies and therapeutic use or safely preserve cells for later applications. ISCI equally counts with areas of surgical procedures, physical therapy and hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
The ISCI will base its research, clinical studies and therapeutic applications on the following stem cells:
Bone Marrow Derived Adult Stem Cells
Adipose Derived Adult Stem Cells
Endometrium Derived Adults Stem Cells
Cord Blood Derived Adult Stem Cells
Placenta Derived Adult Stem Cells
Amniotic Fluid Derived Adult StemCells
Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Hematopoietic Stem Cells
CD34+ Heme Progenitors
The ISCII is housed in the Hospital Galenia, in Cancun, Mexico. Galenia is an internationally recognized medical facility that is accredited by both the Joint Commission (JCI) of US and Accreditation Canada International (ACI) of Canada. Most patients treated at the ISCI will benefit from Galenia’s multimillion dollar equipped facilities – hemodynamic unit, brand new operating rooms-. Galenia provides large meeting areas for the international physician hands-on courses, occasional conferences, an annual ISCI medical convention. Built in the next medical building of Hospital Galenia and contiguous to the ISCI, the Sheraton Four Points hotel stands offering a comfortable and most convenient hospitality for patients and families, as part of the medicine abroad program of ISCI.
All ISCI therapies are always provided by fully licensed physicians under the protocols and supervision of the ISCCI. ISCI patients undergoing endovascular catheterization and intra-operative cellular therapies, cellular culture and differentiation or requiring multiple stem cell transplants and weeks of rehabilitation are treated exclusively at the Hospital Galenia. Patients requiring only local or parenteral (IV) administration of adult stem cells can elect to be treated at the ISCI Miami’s center and being limited to the use of minimally manipulated adult stem cells.
The ISCI will base its stem cell clinical application on the following cellular therapies:
Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC)
Adipose-Derived Stromal Vascular Fraction (ADSVF)
Regenerative cellular medicine
Thousand of papers published in most of the leading medical journals have shown that adult stem cells are naturally occurring repair cells that move rapidly into areas of tissue damage to enhance repair, revascularization and blood flow and working at reducing both inflammation and scarring. Building on this solid scientific foundation, the ISCI has initiated clinical studies fundamentally based in neuromuscular degenerative diseases and additionally based in other seven disease platforms: chronic debilitating, chronic wounds/skin, autoimmune, arthritic pain/ortho, GYN/infertility, vision loss, and hair loss conditions.
The ISCI will base its cellular therapies on the following clinical applications, among others:
ALS-Lou Gehrig's Disease Alzheimer's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis·(MS)
Brain Vascular Stroke
Spinal Cord Injury
Cystic Fibrosis·(CF)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Male and Female Infertility
Female Pelvic/Bladder Conditions
Chron’s Disease
Chronic wounds
Rheumatoid Arthritis