Visiting Willow Run Airport
spec...Are you close enough to visit Willow Run, and have you?
Yes and no. I just so happen to live an hour north of Ypsilanti (Willow Run Airport) where Baltia has offices and will conduct all their Training, and 2 1/2 hours south of Oscoda on Lake Huron where Baltia is storing and maintaining their first aircraft N706BL;PageNo=1
But I have not been to Willow Run yet. A Baltia Long just introduced me to Anthony Koulouris - Vice President of Marketing for Baltia. We had a nice phone conversation last Thursday. I asked Mr. Koulouris if it would be worth my while to go to Willow Run and he said one of these times he was at Willow Run (or perhaps Oscoda) he would give me a buzz to come on down and get a grand tour. He called from JFK in New York. So I look forward to seeing things with my own eyes.
Ypsilanti is pronounced
Yip sa lan tee
Oscoda is pronounced
Ahhhs coe da