I dunno - 4991 - But I think it's a made up number they keep using to try and persuade us that there ISN'T WASN'T any shares short..........LMAO
let's see - I was hearing/reading that foreign exchanges are much easier to use to short shares -
Like Canada - and there's another one - over in UK Maybe? - Big business over there that comes to mind, but I can't think of the name of them....and they are listed on their exchange over there...hmmm
Then, let's not forget places that s*kyes uses - off-shore accounts- no secret ther e- many of his guys use that account he has suggested - said he has a much easier time getting shares to short there than many places - BUT...I can't tell you that is a fact, since I don't have an account - and it's no secret - it is or at least was on his site..