From the Ningbo port website-18.2 meter entry channel vs 16 meters Ensenada- key word about Ningbos advertised 250,000+ ton ships is tide assisted
Ningbo Port is well situated in the middle of China’s coastline, at the T-shaped joining point of China’s coastline and the Yangtze River. It’s a famous deep-water port of mainland China. It enjoys unique natural conditions with convenient traffic reaching in all directions. Outwardly the port links East Asia and the whole round-the-Pacific region. It’s within 1000 sea miles to Hongkong, Gaoxiong of Taiwan, Pusan, Osaka and Kobe It connects inwardly Chinpa’s coastal ports and covers directly the whole East China and the economically developed Yangtze River Valley by river-sea through transport via the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal. It’s therefore an ideal place for developing ocean-going transport to the ports of America, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania. With deep water and smooth current, the port area of Ningbo is free from strong winds and waves. The entry channel is normally over 18.2 meters deep. Large ships of 250,000 up to 300,000 tonnage can come and leave at tide. With an exploitable deep-water coastline of over 120 km, Ningbo Port owns broad developing and construction prospects. On the north of Beilun Port Area, Zhoushan Islands serve as its natural defense, so there is no need to build breakwaters when constructing berths at Beilun Port Area. Less investment can produce better benefits. Besides there is a wide and plain dockland behind the deep-water coastline, which is extremely good for developing port storage, warehousing and littoral industry.