HIMR SCOREBOARD dated May 20, 2013
1. Financial filing by OTC deadline (May 20th, 2013) --- DONE.
2. At least one signed concession agreement with details and names announced within the next two weeks (from date above).
3. Funding source and details within the next three weeks.
4. TigerLynk build details and timeline within the next four weeks.
5. Audit update within the next five weeks.
6. Definitive orders from North Cal.
7. Intended start date for logging.
8. Update on share structure and statement indicating when we can expect more.
HIMR went back on their word and increased Common Shares by
converting a small portion of their Class C to Common shares. The
increase in common shares by 1,109,000,000 is due to the conversion
of 2,218 Class C shares. As of March 31, 2013 and 2012, there are
695,732 Class C shares issued, and that mean a whole lot more
dilution is likely headed our way.
What we are looking to do is to place a big DONE behind each and every one of the above listed goals on our way to higher share prices.