Whats your problem Hurtszz?
1) Steve doesn't control the price.
2) Steve has released tons of news recently and he'll release more when he can. I own a bunch of stocks that haven't released a single piece of news in the past month or 2. We've had multiple PRs in July alone.
3) Bragging about how smart you are?
I'm not happy about where the price is, but its not Steve's fault.
A few days ago you were talking positively. Nothing has changed in the past couple of days to alter the facts. The facts are: we have a ton going on & its only a matter of time before we start seeing revenue. In other words: its only a matter of time before the stock price rises.
If you're a short term trader, then yes, there could be more short term pain. But if you're long and confident in where ICPA is heading, then there's no need to worry.