Looking over the deleted posts, all were done by flafly. To delete SGR's post regarding "only" testing of produce speaks volumes. Testing food is what MMTC is all about. Trying to keep this one down at all costs.
Don't know who or why we currently have sellers, but we can all reach our own opinions. Picked up 2mil on Monday. Maybe I should have waited, but as quick as this could go down, it can go up just as fast. I've been betting on MMTC for over 18 months, and although I watch it like a hawk, I only step back occasionally to re-evaluate my position. Each time I come away from that evaluation and see the incredible upside potential here.
MMTC is far from a bed of roses, and that is why we are at the pps level we are today.
BTW, my evaluation concludes that MMTC is not even close to a scam. Doesn't mean they will make it, but I've yet to find another stock where I'm willing to put my investment in.
Nunez will make this run. I'm looking for the run to follow news that will sustain the run and allow consolidation to happen at a much higher level. If that happens, and not just a self induced run, holding patiently during the consolidation will be easy to do.
GLTA...see you all on IH, ihub is the new yahoo