I don't know how close William Lieberman and David Price are or even if they knew of each other prior to August of 2012 when David Price was hired to handle legal work for $25,000 and was installed as the secretary of BOPT. Other than the fact that both names show up often in the stinky pinky world and neither one of them has a stellar managerial record of success at running companies for the benefit of shareholders. Thus, both may be known as failures, but for the fact that both men continue to grow much richer while shareholders typically do not.
In regards to the LEXG deal, one should consider what Lieberman has done in the past (something the IFlop people always seem to discount except when attacking other companies).
LEXG claims to have unique technology that does not seem to work, and this stock has been pumped to high heaven a number of times. Thus, LEXG is no stranger to the scam world. William Lieberman is likely well aware to how LEXG pumped their stock (largely for the benefit of insiders), and may have signed an MOU with LEXG that likely will never be honored. Why?
Well, this is a common practice Lieberman has learned very well. Remember when William ran Fox Petroleum and pumped that stock with the notion that he had an MOU for a merger with another (purported oil company). I say purported, because that company was bogus also. After the pump, and after he and his friends were able to sell a boat load of shares for their own personal enrichment, the deal fell threw. What a surprise.
So will this latest "unconfirmed" deal with LEXG come true? Who knows?
Let me just say, I wouldn't count on it people. God knows investors need to catch a break with their MMTE investment, but this is not likely it. I wish you all the luck in the world though --- I feel you will really need it. And that is especially true if this deal also fizzles out.