Thanks for your two posts, Seel . Your posts are always informative and can be relied on to contain unexpected news, as well as being a source of encouragement.
For better or for worse, I live in Tuscany, although I am a Londoner and my only passport is British.
Considering the frequency of back problems, which often develop into chronic conditions or even invalidity, it seems to me that InVivo has a great deal to offer, though it may remain off-radar to those who are exclusively focused on new medications. All the videos I have seen show me that management is proactive, resourceful and good at communicating – at least in speaking to a professional audience. Anything you can discover by going to the open houses for their facilities will open doors to the future and bring fresh insights.
i sincerely hope that at some stage this board will attract more viewers. The comparison with CTIX seems to me to be out of all proportion, but that's JMHO.
Maybe I will manage to visit Boston at some stage in the future: "Never say no" is a good guideline.