I'm wide awake. Fully alert.
You're right, .0159 is disgusting. Manipulators been having they're way.
I've been invested since March. I've been through this BS before in the subs. Same game and will end up being the same result.
There will be a catalyst for a spike up. But this time, it will go much much higher........
Pretty soon, alllllll these clowns who have been monkeying with the price will be gone. ICPA will become too expensive for them to play their pizzant games. The next level will have a new group of clowns - deeper pockets, same games.
From the start I made this a long term play. Real money will be made once this engine that is being built before us gets fired up and running. The shake, fear & awe baloney thats been going on is stupid. There is no reason whatsoever why the price should go down. Everything is still the same since the decline. In fact, it's better. Nothing conspicuous or shady looking. No fishy smell. For the long term, I'm not concerned.