You know with all the problems we have haced in the past 2 weeks, just some thoughts..
Those people that filed for the BK against TECO….HMMMM how many…4 , 5 ,6, of them…Not sure…but we have what 5, 10 13 thousand shareholders that would not be very happy if TECO went defunct…Their hopes and dreams, new cars, houses, pay off bills, children educations etc, would be dashed…and if the number of shareholders are in the vicinty of 13 thousand, with all the sickos in this country and the odds of even one sicko being on a thin line holding TECO stock and it goes bust and he/she goes over the edge…Well don't those filers for the BK have to have their names and addresses on the filing…HMMMM I would not want to be one of them. If they win, they better leave the country. This country has already shown that there are some radicals here, so you just never know what could be the future. These were just thoughts considering the state of the country and the economy.
It also is a double edge sword, because the same could result if the company directors fumble in their attempts to build a successful company, but seems that at the moment we are moving forward, so that at the moment is a non-issue.
Just this country / world has gone sicko and you are almost afraid to leave the house anymore and lock the doors more than what our families did in the past. The media warns of being in crowds and it goes on and on…I hope this improves for our children and grandkids and we become more humane/civil.