Yes Chambers it was a success!
Here's my summation: Basically, we should sell our common shares between now and the end of month because they're not going to be of any value. The RS will be announced 5/24 and take effect 6/5.
We're all covered with our preferred shares and especially that one convert. pref. share-CPS (100k common @ $2.50 = $250k when uplist to AMEX roughly by end of July). Have 30 companies interested and at various stages of being acquired by CDFT to go into the Business Development Corporation (Citadel will most likely change name and ticker). The company will keep us updated and help get to the point of selling commons on AMEX. We can use their underwriter (to be selected yet) to sell our CPS and would be less fee.
Will also get dividend on the preferred shares (still working out whether monthly or quarterly) and very likely down the road will be able to get another convert. pref. share to bring in more big bucks as the company grows bottom line on the AMEX. Lots of good things to come with this gem of a company!
Thank you Jay King and Mr. DeRoos!
Enjoy the weekend and very best to all with CDFT!