I am now calling the old board a landfill and until the garbage gets hauled out I won't post there.
And while they are over there bashing SIRG, I posted this.
What do you think of this DILUTION? Since GDSM is a stinky pink we don't know who got those shares and of course there are no Form4s to see when they were sold but 50,000,000 shares were added.
This is from their 2012 1st quarter minancials.
Year ended 31 De 2011
Quarter Ended 31 Mar 2012 - 629,887,086
This shows that from Jan 1st to Mar 31st 50,000,000 shares were added to the O/S. YET Marc claimed and touted NO DILUTION when if fact 50M shares in 3 months is a lot of DILUTION.