Thanks for the math polkadot and dyno. I agree with polkadot's observation: "What I never understood was this idea that they just happened to do p21 biomarkers early when it specifically states in the protocol that the patients would be tested verses baseline at 7hr and 24 hr after EACH dose. A facility such as this has immediate access to qpcr equipment..."
When I put this together with tidbits from JB at the other place, like "Menon seemed confident and energetic..." and they are "eagerly awaiting the P21 data release," and that they "are pleased with" how the trial is going, I see all indications pointing in the right direction. The data release will likely confirm what they are already seeing clinically, which tells me they have a good feeling about the data.
Will the data be ready for release during Q & A at ASCO? I would hope that is a rhetorical question.