My IFUB post....
Lets add this.....
Anyone involved in the BK proceedings posting on this message board is in violation of Federal Law. It alone is grounds to dismiss the proceedings. Federal Judges don't take kindly to litigants making their case before the proceeding has even started. The timing of the filing along with the bevy of post demonstrates malicious intent. All I can say is, keep posting.
The petitioners won't enjoy the right of anonymity, as of the day of the filing in Federal Court. It will be incumbent upon the court to seek names of the posters on this board as to determine the Bad Faith Ruling that TECO is seeking. All I can say, is keep posting.
I want to thank all of the BK filers for their post and I encourage them to keep posting as TECO Mitchell Well #3 pressure builds....
Mitchell #4 completion begins Monday.....
Treaty Standard #2, now on Deck. The pounding of the bit continues.