I beg to differ on this one actually, and please find me wrong on my findings.
Que Pasa TV news wasn't actually an excitement for me. The name was catchy for sure, and I thought this was an already established television service joining NTEK to stream their service.
The PR regarding Que Pasa TV shows the co-founder's e-mail as miguel.santana@quepasatv.com . So naturally I type in www.quepasatv.com to come to an imcomplete website. Maybe they are building the entire site in the background, but if they have something they would normally put something, anything up front. But this was just lame.
Although, a trademark application was in fact filed on January 11, 2013. Its company logo looks like so:
The PR says NTEK makes 15% of their revenue. Unfortunately there is not going to be an immediate revenue. I sure hope they surprise me with a killer website with lucrative banners and explosive contents.