This is the final results of the 2nd 24-Hour Certification Test that was submitted to the Texas RRC. The Madeley F 1H well came in at 192 BOPD and 822 MCF per day. The Natural Gas, now having been "Certified" is in process of being connec ted to the Pipeline and the gas will be sold into the market, bring a price of roughly $2.80 per MCF (to be confirmed).
Revenue from Gas to Treaty, at 822 MCF level of production, will be about $1,725 per day, or $51,750 per month. As lateral gets drilled out to 1,000 ft, oil and gas production will likely rise significantly.
Revenue from Oil to Treaty, at 192 BOPD level of production, will be about $14,616 per day, or $438,000 per month.