An all star team of heavy hitters, these guys have serious credentials.
MONTANA SALINE SOILS – J3 is currently in the process of developing a treatment method to address soil contaminated with salts and petroleum organics produced by liquid spills associated with petroleum production processes.
GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES GROUP – Soil contaminated with metals and radioactive substances and containing excess water was treated successfully with a combination of MBS and water sorbent polymers. Post-treatment the soil met all the regulatory requirements imposed by the project. Butte, Montana.
MERCURY CONTAMINATED SOILS – Numerous testing scenarios were completed to determine the most appropriate method of treating fine-grained soil associated with building 81-10 of the Y-12 National Security Area that contained elemental mercury and mercury salts. The combination of MBS and a ceramic-based grout proved to be the most viable treatment scenario for these contaminated soils. A jet grouting process was used as the field application method. Oak Ridge, Tennessee.