Steve indicated he found out sometime after the upfront that JC was not being truthful in his dealings. That's what precipitated the whole JC 'I am now CEO' public rant.
When you are the CEO of a company, you don't assume your president is lying to you -- unless and until you discover otherwise.
Revs don't come in immediately from stations that are up and running. I don't know what the timeframe is -- monthly, quarterly, etc? Plus who knows what the 'deals' were for those stations, when revenues were to kick in.
If JC doesn't pay his employees, perhaps there are others he isn't paying as well -- like the stations! Perhaps he did this all on purpose. Perhaps he wanted out of the acquisition. Perhaps he's just incompetent. I cannot speak to the 'why' or his motives. All I can say is that while he was touting that what he was doing was 'good for shareholders', we can see that it wasn't true.
He singlehandedly decimated the PPS. It hurt shareholders. We thought he was shooting himself in the foot too -- but as it turns out, he is no longer a shareholder! So, he only hurt us with his public display of wanting to be 'king of the hill'. He's no worse than where he was before. It's just now, hopefully, more people are aware of what he's all about.
We aren't right back where we started. We are slightly ahead of that -- with the contacts, partnerships, new network and the airports continuing to be installed.