Yup, so true, We were all kinda depending on alot of the old guards insight and research. But they all left. Not sure if they gave up completely or they just had it with IKRUST. To each there own.
You're right, only one remains, that is Meach. and thats fine with me, and the rest of this board. And your insight has always been much appreciated Jay. And patientgal has provided lot of links that are very insightful as to what BMSN is up to. Its getting to the point, where the other board is becoming obsolete and outdated. Which is fine with me.
Have a feeling BMSN is about to arise from its hiatus, the previous run was based on a misunderstanding as to when the FDA approval was coming. But it was all based on guesstimation, nothing concrete.
The next run will be based on real news with more concrete dates. And I think were going to see BMSN go to new heights none of us have seen.
Good fortune to all