Nice post Slingwing. To add to the conversation, here is the list that I have on MM codes/signals that I know of that have been thought to exist.
100 - I need shares.
200 - I need shares badly,but do not take the stock down.
300 - Take the price down so I can load shares
400 - Keep trading it sideways.
500 - Gap the stock. This gap can be either up or down, depending on the direction of the 500 signal.
911 - Pending News
It will be interesting to see what transpires over the next three days. There really is no pattern to how Tom releases news but Fridays are more frequent than other days. I particularly don’t like Friday PRs unless they are post trading hours since Friday is the one day I never count on positive PPS change as many PINKy traders don’t like holding over weekends and dump on Fridays so IMO the impact of news on a Friday is absorbed somewhat by the nature of the beast that is Friday PINKy trading. Post trading hours provides a weekend of debate to set up the following week’s trading mentality. Today would be nice because it’s midweek and could provide some much needed MOMO.