Good luck on that one.
Act sent me this I may not agree with you, but I'm not a mean person. I actually enjoyed our debates. It isn't a challenge without you posting on the SIRG board. Kinda boring to be honest...
I don't play in landfills the garbage smell bothers my tender nostrils. MEOW!
They will get bored and leave when they run out of BS to hash about. Must kill SKA not being able to join the fun as he is still restricted.
Gitreal and I exposed a couple of facts and got them twisted into pretzels. Called him a liar until he got the scans converted into jpg files and uploaded them.
Then they threatened legal actions. These are public documents about public lands! Get real! You can call any BLM office and get copies of permits and MOPs or POOs.
A POO is a plan of operations which is what they have - exploring only - no mining allowed.
A MOP is a mining plan of operations which is what SIRG has.
Of interest is the fact that their first application was denied and then Chaffee applied for the permits in HIS NAME - NOT WSRA! Very strange - can you imagine Rod applying for the permits in his name???
Looking forward to another fun day tomorrow.