You mean someone's not reading. Or thinking. Or has an agenda.
Believe or disbelieve it, start here.
Steve, CEO: We gained much more. We have our partners which give us affiliates in the top 20 cities in the US. We have all the broadcast equipment from our other partner. We have new content and an incredible new management team. We showed a 6.8 million loss last Q due to the purchase. This will be removed now from the books and Q;s and K. We have been able to put everything in place for the new Network for less then 5% of that old purchase price. We will have a better network, better content and better team in the processes.
Worth repeating: ... new Network for less then 5% of that old purchase price.
So a better question is, are we giving up any assets that we can't live without?
It sounds as if VU Media Corp will be up and running, and broadcasting in record time for a new network.
You can see most of the shows here. All the ones I create are part of the public company.