Thank you for your recent inquiry to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) regarding HemaXellerate. Your inquiry has been forwarded to FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research for reply. CBER, one of seven centers within FDA, is responsible for the regulation of many biologically-derived products, including blood intended for transfusion, blood components and derivatives, vaccines, allergenic extracts, and cell, tissue and gene therapy products.
Unfortunately, we will be unable to provide you with the information you are seeking. Federal regulations (21 CFR 601.50 and 21 CFR 601.51) prohibit FDA from disclosing, or even acknowledging any information regarding unapproved products. You may contact the sponsor or manufacturer directly regarding information about their product.
We hope this information is helpful.
Hmm, lets look more into this rule, shall we?
§ 601.50 Confidentiality of data and information in an investigational new drug notice for a biological product.
(a) The existence of an IND notice for a biological product will not be disclosed by the Food and Drug Administration unless it has previously been publicly disclosed or acknowledged.
(b) The availability for public disclosure of all data and information in an IND file for a biological product shall be handled in accordance with the provisions established in §601.51.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of §601.51, the Food and Drug Administration shall disclose upon request to an individual on whom an investigational biological product has been used a copy of any adverse reaction report relating to such use.
[39 FR 44656, Dec. 24, 1974]
§ 601.51
Confidentiality of data and information in applications for biologics licenses.
(a) For purposes of this section the biological product file includes all data and information submitted with or incorporated by reference in any application for a biologics license, IND's incorporated into any such application, master files, and other related submissions. The availability for public disclosure of any record in the biological product file shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(b) The existence of a biological product file will not be disclosed by the Food and Drug Administration before a biologics license application has been approved unless it has previously been publicly disclosed or acknowledged. The Food and Drug Administration will maintain a list available for public disclosure of biological products for which a license application has been approved.
(c) If the existence of a biological product file has not been publicly disclosed or acknowledged, no data or information in the biological product file is available for public disclosure.
(d) (1) If the existence of a biological product file has been publicly disclosed or acknowledged before a license has been issued, no data or information contained in the file is available for public disclosure before such license is issued, but the Commissioner may, in his discretion, disclose a summary of such selected portions of the safety and effectiveness data as are appropriate for public consideration of a specific pending issue, e.g., at an open session of a Food and Drug Administration advisory committee or pursuant to an exchange of important regulatory information with a foreign government.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (d)(1) of this section, FDA will make available to the public upon request the information in the IND that was required to be filed in Docket Number 95S-0158 in the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852, for investigations involving an exception from informed consent under § 50.24 of this chapter. Persons wishing to request this information shall submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
(e) After a license has been issued, the following data and information in the biological product file are immediately available for public disclosure unless extraordinary circumstances are shown:
(1) All safety and effectiveness data and information.
(2) A protocol for a test or study, unless it is shown to fall within the exemption established for trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information in § 20.61 of this chapter.
(3) Adverse reaction reports, product experience reports, consumer complaints, and other similar data and information, after deletion of:
(i) Names and any information that would identify the person using the product.
(ii) Names and any information that would identify any third party involved with the report, such as a physician or hospital or other institution.
(4) A list of all active ingredients and any inactive ingredients previously disclosed to the public, as defined in § 20.81 of this chapter.
(5) An assay method or other analytical method, unless it serves no regulatory or compliance purpose and it is shown to fall within the exemption established in § 20.61 of this chapter.
(6) All correspondence and written summaries of oral discussions relating to the biological product file, in accordance with the provisions of part 20 of this chapter .
(7) All records showing the manufacturer's testing of a particular lot, after deletion of data or information that would show the volume of the drug produced, manufacturing procedures and controls, yield from raw materials, costs, or other material falling within § 20.61 of this chapter.
( All records showing the testing of and action on a particular lot by the Food and Drug Administration.
(f) The following data and information in a biological product file are not available for public disclosure unless they have been previously disclosed to the public as defined in § 20.81 of this chapter or they relate to a product or ingredient that has been abandoned and they no longer represent a trade secret or confidential commercial or financial information as defined in § 20.61 of this chapter :
(1) Manufacturing methods or processes, including quality control procedures.
(2) Production, sales, distribution, and similar data and information, except that any compilation of such data and information aggregated and prepared in a way that does not reveal data or information which is not available for public disclosure under this provision is available for public disclosure.
(3) Quantitative or semiquantitative formulas.
(g) For purposes of this regulation, safety and effectiveness data include all studies and tests of a biological product on animals and humans and all studies and tests on the drug for identity, stability, purity, potency, and bioavailability.
So basically the FDA is useless.
But this is confirmation.
Look logically behind what is said.... I was simply requesting whether or not the IND number for HemaXellerate was legitimate (Which I now know it is), and she is implying specific drugs that HAVE BEEN FILED OR THE FDA IS AWARE OF AND IN PROCESS WITH IN THESE LAWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know it that sentence makes sense, but I got excited.
Sometimes, people being not helpful is actually very helpful.