Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Good Morning Mr. Samblis, since last night after we chatted on facebook, I've done a little research on who I was talking with... I hope Mr. Samblis, you don't mind. With all do respect, you are, to me, a highly accomplished very successful VIP. I for one, is no where near your status and achievements. I am a veteran from the US Navy and currently a student at WYOTECH studying HVAC through my VRAP Program, ( military benefits ). I have a 10 year old son, name Ronnie Jr. My situation of not getting paid for 5 months with Mr. Collins and Punch TV lead me to lose everything. I thought I was on my way to success. I bought a used car, was renting with my son and baby's mother. Then it all came down on me... Lost the car, couldn't pay my phone bill, bad credit, got kicked out of my appartment along with my family. was homeless and to top it off, I went to State Prison for just wrongly trying to provide money to feed and support my son and baby's Mother. Now, I'm no longer with my baby's mother and not even leaving with my son. I blame all of this and more on Mr. Collins. I see you are a team or Partners with Mr. Collins. I saw some of your Pictures. Mr. Samblis, I don't just tell you my Past with Punch TV and Mr. Collins. I can back up everything I'm about to tell you. Mr. Collins and Ms. Ramos through facebook has admitted the $10,000.00 of I C Places Stock will be given to me instead of my 5 months of no pay while working for Punch TV in the past because they don't have the money to pay me. I had no choice in the matter. It was either take the Stock or get nothing. I was advised to go to Labor board and/or small claims... to rightfully get what I earned and worked hard for. just a few days ago, I texted Mr. Collins to check on my Paycheck. Usually, there's no reply. but this time it was different. I told Mr. collins, since I havent heard from them for a few months now, I figured I was not going to get paid and that I'll see him at court. mr. collins replied instantly and said He will call me this week and Pay me what he owes me.... one month of full time work for Punch TV at signal hill and 5 months of Pay from the carson location Punch TV. and /or the $10,000.00 in stock for I C places. Again I thank you for the concern about my situation with Mr Collins and Punch TV and IC pLACES. i WILL send you an email on more detailed explanation about my situation. I know of employees that had to quit because of no Pay from Mr. Collins. I have proof of my work(scripts) that shows dates, on my e-mail. since I been with Punch TV, we've changed to four different locations. Gardena, carson, another carson and last Signal hill. I've helped moved Punch TV's equipment to almost all these locations. I will give more details on my email to you. I hope and pray that with your help, I can get what I worked for and deserve... and that Mr. Collins step up to his responsibilities. for someone to be so smart, even a kid knows if you work for some one or have someone work for you... you must pay them. I didn't work for mr. collins because i had nothing better to do or that i had a crush on him... I worked to support my family. He has a record for doing wrong things to so many people. He has no feelings. and to think, he is a pastor too... I want to expose him on TV. I want to be the one Who puts a stop on him using people. I just hope, he's not already doing this to you. If somehow, with your help, this issue gets corrected and made right... I will be greatful along with my family and thankful for all your help. Be Blessed. and thank you once again. oh, could you tell me how you found out about my situation please?
- April 30
Steve Samblis
This guy on a chat site gave me your name. send me that email. sambliss@icplaces.com I need to get to the bottom of all of this.
- May 1
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Mr. Samblis, I hope the email i sent you was enough to understand my situation. Thank you again.
- May 6
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Mr. SAMBLIS, I sent you another email. I hope it explains my side clearly. Thank you.
- Wednesday
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Mr. Samblis, just in case you have doubts whether or not I'm telling the truth... My next message came from Ms. RAMOS. I COPIED AND PAIST...
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Ronnie I think your putting alot more on this than it really is....we are all adults and have to be responsible for our actions and the predicaments that we place ourselves in. I will make sure you get your stock shares for all the hard work you put into the network a couple of years ago. And I promise before the end of the week you will have a check that is due to you. Please do not vent your personal life to me. Not to say that I do not care. Maybe coming back to the network is not such a good ideal for you. I don't know Mr. Collins would have to make that decision and so do you.
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Mr. Samblis, I thought being ask to return to work by Mr. Collins, WOW.I REALLY THOUGHT they would fix what was unfinished... Like my pay.Almost 5 months worth of hard work. I'm a regular person who never tasted big money. I've struggled most of my life. Now i have a 10 year old son who i would like to give a not so hard life to. Pls. Understand my situation. Thank you. BTW, did you notice Ms. Ramos mentioned about MY STOCKS? I' m not making his up.
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
My next message is from Mr. Collins. Copy and PAIST.
Not yet, I am really trying to get it for. I am waiting for our money. Give me your phone number
One more...
Steve Samblis
He does not have the ability to issue you shares because he no longer works for the public company
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Ronnie you are so short sided. I created an opportunity for you. The opportunity I created for you was not about money it was about loyalty. I wanted to be apart and help you to transition into the entertainment world. You should never have given up. You should have worked thru it and become a great screen writer. I will be more than happy to pay you. I will contact you next week.
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Mr Samblis, it's not that hard to understand. I got the bad end of the stick. Im a Man just like you, who people respect. I don't think you would just let it pass if it happened to you...
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
I REALLY want to go on tv on fight back... He needs to be stopped. My friend John Petrits from the Rev. He was so happy that punch is apart of his show... He gave Mr. COLLINS $300,000.00. And Mr. COLLINS never gave it back. He's going to Hell for sure. Pastor? he's something else.
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Im sorry to hear that he used you too
Thanks for talking to me. I REALLY appropriate it.
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
one more thing Mr. Samblis... could you keep me posted on your situation with mr. collins or maybe give me some advice on what or how I should handle things. I 'll do the same when I see him a t courst
Steve Samblis
You should really go o the Punch TV Network Chat board on FB and tell people what he did to you!!
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
that sounds like a good idea. I helped start that... I think the people on that are all brain washed or part of the whole front.
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Mr. Collins and his team... Ms. Ramos and Curtis... this is what they do. I've study and spoke to people about them. they move from place to place. make deals with people who will invest in them until they realize Punch TV is not what they thought it was. they leave punch and Mr. Collins and crew will stay at that spot until they get kicked out. as long as possible. then slowly fire every one or stop paying everybody so people would leave on there own. Mr. collins has made alot of money off this scam of his. My scripts... seasons of shows I wrote... and behind the scene he makes a few $100,000.00 on them with out telling anyone.
- Friday
Ronnie Encarnacion DeGarriz
Wow. I can't believe it. All this time I felt alone and helpless. Mr. Samblis, I will support you in anyway possible. I'm very confident with this case mainly because what I've told you is the truth. Mr. Collins have been doing this for years. It's time somebody put an end to this.