present facts and support them. one thing i hate and won't tolerate is someone looking for something bad, or assuming guilt first. or worse, someone who doesn't even know what they are talking about trying to get others to teach them. do your homework, do your dd, and post responsibly.
the other guy i absolutely hate it the guy tossing accuassations "claiming to be long" who has no position. or is the biggest board loudmouth critic with no clue and a 20,000 share stake. please, spare us that nonsense. annoying, pointing fingers, and/or spouting off on this board, without solid supporting evidence or a clue will get you tossed, chucked, and relocated. when you attack someone you best come armed with your educated pov, with facts and proof.
otherwise, don't take shots. be responsible. think about the damage you might do to someone elses financial investment, the company and people working hard within it.
i mean what i have written here. just in case anyone believes i am joking. this board is not for conspiracy theories and wild goose chases. we can joke and laugh, but don't come messing with my money unless you know what the hell you are talking about. having said that, fire away!