Poor broke & bankrupt JB is hiding assets, is homeless and living in a hotel...
per SE: he could flee the country at anytime, judge, & deny me what I'm due!
(Please, judge, SEE THAT SHE GETS EVERYTHING SHE IS DUE under the law!)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from Judge Nightingale's findings in the matter>>>>>
[46] However, when she was cross-examined, she admitted that the evidence in the Defendant’s affidavit was true that the Defendant in fact owned the hotel in which he was residing and that she had known that from her real estate friend since the summer of 2012 as well as knowing that he was in the process of renovating it. Not disclosing that to Justice Matheson instead of what she actually stated in her affidavit was misleading at best and untrue at worst.