Just a thought... its been my experience that when an "employee" has a problem with their wages, the FIRST call they make it to the State Labor Board. If there has been no substantiated claims filed at the Board of Labor, then this is likely a contract dispute between the person providing the services on a contract basis, and the buyer of those services. When a true and valid claim is brought by any true "employee"... a legal representative of the company is called on to defend the accusation. Once the BOL makes a determination that wages are owed, enforcement action can be swift, and severe.
Additionally, when wages are not being paid, there is likely an accompanying situation where taxes on those wages are not being paid either. That's an even bigger deal. The State and Federal government can come in and padlock your business until such time you rectify the situation.
I feel fairly confident that anyone that takes to the internet to complain about "wages" not being paid, are not in fact "employees" as perhaps they thought they were. One call is all it takes to the BOL... and they do ALL the rest. After that one call is made, the employee is either getting paid, in relatively short amount of time... of they have no claim, and no recourse other than to file suit in a court of law.
Just my 2-cents.