etrf is very helpful with the constant block for letting shorts out above that level, as its seems as the pps is not being walked down, i find humerous however that shorts are not (they dont want this level...) ...its about to be every short for
if covering began here pps would climb quickly as it is very much a pendulum price point....shorts know that and dont wanna buy here as that begins the squeeze, not sure what there waiting for.....
i called both my stock platforms and 1 of them said shorting can not be done as they have no more shares if no one is selling here (as we know this pps is so cheap) and there are no shares to short than theres not many options left for them to drop this price.....the reversal has been on light volume so there cant be that many shares picked up to walk this down anymore that havent already been sold to do so....i think trading is IN the bulls hands, if only buyers would put 2 and 2 together and see that...with a lil buying momo covering would begin and wouldnt take much for this to hit .03 and beyond, once over that icpa becomes EXTREMELY popular AGAIN and we could easily fly...samblis knows this and imo will hit us maybe with a pr or a cc deal....and boom she flies...