Ron... There is nothing worst then people like you that need attention so bad that they think they will threaten others to be seen s a big deal. What makes you worst then most is you will take other people's suffering and use it to make you the center of attention. The only thing I would consider as bad as you is people like JC that prey on the weak and build dreams in people for the single purpose of using them to work for him without having to pay them. I'm not saying get them to work for free, I'm saying to continue to work for him while they are owed money and never get paid.
So threaten me all you want in private or public, I don't deal with terrorists and I promise I will never deal with you. What I will do so you don't have power over this poor guy is help him tell his story. As soon as he gives me permission to do so I will post his story. Till then why not crawl back into your hole.