Good morning Chris,
SIRG has an outstanding executive management team and proven reserves.
They have a lying CEO whose brother was charged with fraud and a debunked CPG who resigned his license rather than face an investigation by the American Institute of Geology Professionals. They have Chaffee and Jenkins serving on both BODs, a direct conflict of interest.
This is now displayed on GDSM’s home page of their website:
GDSM is stating on their website that they have reserves of 6.75 million yards of 0.025 oz of gold/yard at the Gold Star claims, and it is based on nonexistent data, it is a direct violation of the SEC definition of reserves.
It should be easy for SEC to determine that GDSM is lying to their investors about the reserves. Can you imagine the GDSM board when the SEC slaps them upside the head with that!??
Gold Star Placer Mine
GoGOld ld Star Placer Mine
"The claims show Ore Reserves of 6.75 million cubic yards of ore. The average ore tenor is 0.025 oz/yd. or 168,750 total ounces of gold. An unusual and significant attribute of the Gold Star property is that the mineralized black sands, unlike most, appear to
contain substantial gold values. Limited testing has shown these values to be fairly uniform across the claims."