steeler7wifey, for many investors who have been long for quite some time, an entry point of .0007, .0008. or .0009 is where they initially bought. A lot has changed since last November 2011 when RFMK last traded in this range.
- Cannacig vapor inhaler officially launched
- change of CEO to Tom Allinder
- partnering with Judah Neiditch who runs a dispensary in Los Angeles called Otherside Health Management who is working on distribution and development of a new vapor inhaler called the Pocket Puffer
- partnering with Cheryl Schuman who is a long time activist in the cannabis community who is working on product placement and marketing
- Cannacig exposure and sponsorship through at least one major event, The High Times Medical Cannabis Cup
- A working website for ordering the Cannacig vapor inhaler
The above can be interpreted as positive events. The next two items can be viewed as negative events and in your due diligence, you will run across this time and time again.
1 - dilution
2 - trade for trade designation by the DTCC
Speculation moving forward:
Some say dilution has raised funds to pay for audits to become a fully reporting company, product placement, product development, sales tracking, up-listing process to the OTCBB, 10K filing, removal of trade for trade designation, etc. all things to move the company forward.
Some say dilution is raising funds to fill the pockets of company individuals.
It is up to you to learn about this company and sort through the various opinions shared on message boards. I have been long this stock since last November 2011 and know so much about this stock that I can't even begin to fill new investors in easily. BUT, I would very much welcome any thoughts you have as a new investor. Perhaps it would be great for some of us long term investors to know what brings a new investor to RFMK so as to offer a fresh perspective.
I wish you the best in your decisions and am somewhat envious of those who can start a new position at these price levels!