I am overwhelmed that the powers that be over "there" will allow him to keep posting the same thing over and over - ALL negative and repetitious - and I complained to them, telling them that the exact same posts have been repeated from 16 to 31 times in only a few weeks!
That being said, clearly my expectations of behavior there are naive - they have no intention of providing an unbiased forum for discussion by honest shareholder - their behavior there is a reflection of a company that CLEARLY is involved in manipulation. The only thing that can prevent them from winning entirely, is if they don't get their way by getting the stock driven down into the teens where they can buy up cheap shares to deliver to those that they sold shares to at 3 to 4 cents or more.
What a scam.
In the mean time, it is a FACT that Baltia is making progress, albeit slowly - but the company will become operational. It only saddens me that innocent people are violated by the kind of manipulation that the owner of IHUB gets away with - he has been convicted of this very kind of Felonious activity before, has paid fines, and even admitted that he got over a million dollars out of shareholders of another small company doing the same thing. Pathetic.
Let's get interested people to look ANYWHERE buy IHUB. and I will see you at the inaugural party!