All the blooody penny stocks have the same fate! If you dont believe this truth, then it's high time you did!
the second Penny stock truth to remember--- Penny stock company owners SELL DREAMS not profits ( like the big board stocks do) and less than 1% of 'em penny stiocks are able to avoid bankruptcy/ delisting/ delinquency. MOST of then end up with toxic financing and end up in gutterrs ( .0001).
Nevah evah go LONG on penny stocks-- they are all heading fast towards 0.0001; if at all you wnna play 'em JUST TRADE em; DONT marry them please! Ride them hard n quick! Ride when they are red hot! n the moment youve squirrted-- ooops made a lil profit( he he), just get the heck out! in n out! sounds yummy huh
Let this debacle be another lesson... and rememberfriends, MOST hot penny stocks have PAID PUMPERS on their pay roll. Thses are wolves in the sheep's skin. the target is ALWAYS the naive newbie, who are also called PIGS in the Wall street jargon. remeber the famous WS saying-- "Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs just get slaughtered!"
Penny stocks SUCK!